Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Front Yard War Has Its Own Page!

The Front Yard War by Wred Fright Excerpt by Wred Fright

Scribd finally figured out that I can't violate my own copyright, so they've nicely run an excerpt on their site.  I like my DIY excerpt, but I've been posting on Scribd for about two decades now, so it's above on this post.  The other exciting news is that The Front Yard War has its own page on the blog.  It is here.  You can buy a copy there and otherwise read about the book and its reception.  Now that the page is up, I'll engage in the relatively futile promotion campaign for about a month.  Literature, real literature, in the USA, even in the underground, seems pretty much dead, so I don't expect much reaction, but what the hey.  I'm reading the print version now and enjoying it myself, so maybe someone else out there will as well.  I write the kind of novels I'd like to read.  If somebody else wrote this kind of stuff, then I'd be reading them.  As it is now, I can't find too many contemporary writers I find interesting.  I'm still looking though.  Hey, at least you have me . . .  On another note, Amazon apparently won't let you download ebooks anymore, so if you value downloading your ebooks (and you should because otherwise the streaming folks will censor stuff without you knowing it, when they aren't losing the files completely, and no I'm not being hyperbolic), you can always order the novel directly from me, and I'll email it to you.  It's yours.  Just back it up so you don't have to reorder it down the road . . .

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