Monday, March 10, 2025

New Pop Lit On Frighty!

Uh, oh, looks like someone noticed!  Fortunately, they are cool, so all is good.  Thanks to King Wenclas at New Pop Lit for giving Frighty a plug!  It was a lot of fun doing a zine again after all these years.  It was an experiment to use the Internet as a distribution system for what is a printed zine, but based on the picture King used it looks like it's working out.  Postage and printing are crazy expensive these days when compared with the 1990s when the zine medium was flourishing.  I used to sell copies of the zine version of The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus for $3 postpaid, and most issues were 48 pages.  Today, it costs $1.01 just to mail a 20 page zine and that's not including printing costs, which would probably run a buck alone, so this experimental format might be a good solution for keeping print zines affordable and alive.  It cuts out the postage (sorry, USPS!) and the reader has to pay printing costs (sorry, reader!), so I can just concentrate on content.  Check it out and see what you think (remember it's designed to be printed--doublesided, flip on short edge--don't try to read it online):

If after reading Frighty, you need more to read, then read my new novel, The Front Yard War

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