Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Autographed Copies Of The Front Yard War

I have some print copies of The Front Yard War available.  You can now buy an autographed copy directly from me.  You can even now buy a non-autographed copy directly from me, just put in the notes section that you don't want it signed.  Conversely, if you want it personalized, then please put in the notes how you want it personalized and I'll do my best to oblige, but no guarantees.  It's $15 USD domestic including shipping and $20 USD internationally including shipping.  This is for the folks who want an autographed copy but don't live near me or for the folks who don't want to buy from Amazon (though Amazon did print the books right here in good old Cleveland, Ohio USA).  I just picked up the new Bookpage at the library, and, believe me (if you don't believe me, then read the rag yourself, but it's true), there isn't a novel like this, even remotely like this, from the mainstream publishing industry.  If you like your fiction well-mannered, written by an MFA, and starring characters who would fit in well hosting an NPR show, then this is not the book for you.  That stuff bores me.  Maybe it bores you also.  That stuff's like a domestic cat, though that's probably being too nice.  That stuff is like a particularly terrible domestic cat you don't really like but you didn't know any other type was available.  Well, there is.  This stuff is more like the friendly stray cat that prowls your backyard in the middle of the night.  If that's your cup of tea as they say, then give it a read.  Lit ain't dead.  It's just in unexpected places such as the front yard.

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