Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Front Yard War Is On Smashwords!


All right, I have The Front Yard War on Smashwords, so it should be on its way to the remainder of the ebook retailers such as Barnes & Noble, meaning you can pretty much get it anywhere now.  So I've done my part.  Now it's time to do your part, and read the thing!  I'll be doing my little promotional push in upcoming weeks, but feel free to help out and review it and bug any media outlet you like to review it.  It's available directly from me for $5 (PayPal at wredfright AT yahoo DOTT com) as a PDF or EPUB, Amazon has a print and Kindle version, Google Books has their version; and Smashwords has gotten it everywhere else basically.

Smashwords merged with someone or got bought out or something, but uploading the book there was fairly similar to uploading previous books.  They have a print on demand component similar to Amazon, but it looks like the two editions might have bumped into one another, so I didn't explore it.  It's nice to have another option, however.  They did some automatic formatting on the EPUB I uploaded similar to the silly modifications I had to do for the Google edition (it looks like these ebook distributors are getting geared more towards people uploading Word documents and converting them to EPUBs than they are anymore to people who do their own EPUB coding), but it looked fine from what I could tell.  Anyone who encounters any issues though is welcome to get in touch with me, and I'll see what I can do (the original EPUB version worked just fine on my phone, so I'm guessing it'll do the same on yours).  

So if you're looking for a fun and thought-provoking story, give it a read!

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