Monday, December 16, 2024

The Front Yard War Available On Kindle!

I'll be sharing some cool photos I took for the lawn research project as I post about The Front Yard War.  This one is from my old neighborhood in University Heights, Ohio USA.  You can see the snow on the sidewalk.  On that block, there might have been three people who shoveled the sidewalk when it snowed.  I was one of them.  This is looking east down the block from my shoveled sidewalk, and it looks like an iceberg as far as one can see.  This was in a neighborhood where there was a bunch of people who walked to their religious services as that was their belief.  They didn't shovel either, so they were as lazy as most of the rest of the block, but then they'd have to walk dressed mainly in black at night in the street, which wasn't too safe.  Now what does this have to do with lawns?

Well, those same people who are too lazy to shovel the sidewalk, so their neighbors don't have to walk in the street at night dressed in black will call the city to complain if someone doesn't cut their grass, and they'll tell you that's because they care about the neighborhood.

Well, they might fool themselves, but they can't fool me.  If you actually cared about the neighborhood and your neighbors, you'd break out the snow shovel in the winter and not be whining to the mayor in the summer about your neighbor's lawn just because it didn't live up to your dubious aesthetic ideals about landscaping. 

So if you want some laughs about the American yard, then please read The Front Yard War.  In addition to being available from me directly for $5 for the PDF or EPUB ebook (PayPal me at wredfright AT yahoo DOTT com), it is now available from Amazon for Kindle.  I make it available there because some folks don't want to order directly from me (maybe they're shy or more likely they just don't want to have to wait up to 24 hours to get their ebook--I send them manually via email--when Amazon will beam it immediately to your Kindle or whatnot).  Plus at one point at least Kindle users had trouble uploading an EPUB to the tablet.  They could upload the PDF, but it was always kind of a pain on the Kindle.  I don't know if that's still the case, but it's not much work to just reformat another version of the EPUB for Kindle on Sigil, which is what I use to code the EPUBs (thanks, Sigil!  Awesome as always!).  Basically, I just have to upload a separate cover for Kindle, which is pretty easy.  Kindle in general is pretty easy to publish on.  I'm not sure how widely used it still is, but as long as it's easy to do, I'll keep doing it, though I prefer the independent EPUB one can just download onto a phone or whatnot.

Anyway, this book's good, so if you're complaining about what's on tv or the state of American literature or you're just bored, then please give it a shot.  I think you'll have a good time reading.  You can even read the first chapter or so through the sample on the Amazon page.  If you like it, buy the damn thing and finish the novel!  While you're doing that, I'll be working on the print version . . .

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