Monday, October 14, 2024

Music Video: Why Honey Sings

I filmed most of this in Oberlin, Ohio USA, a cool little small college town nearby.  It's probably the only little town in Ohio one can go to a noise music record store and a local bakery that sued the local college, so you know it's an interesting place.  I filmed way more footage than I needed, so maybe some of it will pop up in another video but maybe not since each one tends to be conceived of individually.  In any case, I always liked this song.  The long flower shot makes me a little dizzy, so maybe it will have the same psychedelic effect on you.  If you go to the flowers and flags spot in Oberlin early on a Saturday morning, you can find some relics from the 1960s still protesting for peace, which is wonderful.  It hasn't worked in 60 years, but they still haven't given up hope that someday our country will stop bombing peasants around the world.  I hope they're right because that's a horrible way to waste money, time, and lives.  Like the hippies, I'm for peace and prosperity.  With luck, one day we'll get it.  In the meantime, here's another cool tune to groove to and gawk at.

For more Wred Fright music, listen to the Yeast? 7" or give his latest album a listen or download at your favorite digital music site such as Soundcloud, Spotify, or Bandcamp!  If you did, you might double his listenership--wow!

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