Monday, December 19, 2022

Cool Yule 2022!

Well, if you're reading this and it's a new post, then we made it through yet another year (or close enough anyway)!  It was pretty eventful.  I did some press (one of which was the most popular post of the year), did some What Wred's Reading, had some fun, published Fast Guy Slows Down, told you about some scripts I wrote, put out a print edition of Blog Love Omega Glee, published some drinkdrankdrunk,  put out some singles, commented on politics, made some comics, recorded a new album, and did a bunch more stuff (just read the 2022 posts of the blog).

Whew!  That's a lot!  So now it's time to take the rest of the year off!  I hope you have a cool Yule!  If all goes well, see you in 2023!

P.S. Thanks to Ray X for actually being the first to run The Cosmic Counter comic strip in his Ray X X-Rayer #168!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Comic: Nutopia

I've been checking cds out of the library and got out a John Lennon album.  One of the songs on it was about a country he founded with Yoko Ono called Nutopia.  I liked the idea and researched it further.  The result was this comic strip (click on the image to make it bigger).  I tried to draw it in the spirit of Lennon's own doodles in the liner notes of his albums.

And since the comic involves a pair of musicians, I'll thank The Tinnitist for featuring my latest single, "There's Nobody In This Town Worth Fucking", on a recent playlist.

For more fun, read the novel Fast Guy Slows Down!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

New Single!: There's Nobody In This Town Worth Fucking

Sexual dissatisfaction can be as fun a subject for a song as sexual satisfaction, just ask The Rolling Stones.  Where this one came from is anyone's guess, but it was fun to write.  The characters in the song appear to be a cougar who can't find any prey and a closeted gay man in 1965.  Musically, I clearly had fun with a wah wah effect, but otherwise it's the usual guitar, vocals, keyboard as bass, and drums.  The weirdest instrument is probably a jingle bells Christmas decoration used for percussion.  Lyrics are below:

She burns bridges just to light her way.
And tomorrow is just a future yesterday.

There's nobody in this town worth fucking.

She leaves the gym looking like a million bucks that no one wants to spend.
And she wonders if any of them can still get it up, this town's men.

Meet me in the 6th floor restroom, anonymous sex in an office building.
It's 1965, and you have to hide.  Was that Bob from Accounting?

For more Wred Fright music, listen to the Yeast? 7"!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Comic: Fast Guy Vs. The Squirrel Sultan

I had fun drawing a Fast Guy comic.  It details him meeting one of the villains named in the book.  It is below.  Click on it to make it bigger.

For more fun, read the novel Fast Guy Slows Down!