It's a bit amazing that we have had nuclear weapons for about 75 years now, and we have pretty much refrained from using them aside from testing since World War II. Much of this is due to sheer luck as there were a number of instances, particularly during The Cold War, in which we came close to heading down the disastrous path of nuclear warfare. Our luck won't last forever; it is time to get rid of these things. The hope that we can finally be free of the threat of nuclear extinction inspired this song. The lyrics are below. It's the same deal as always. If you like a song, then feel free to cover it if you're in a band or whatnot. I love to hear covers of my songs, so please let me know about your version. If you start making money, then send me a check/we can work out a deal. Similarly, if you want to use a song for your Youtube video or whatnot, then just let me know. It's usually fine by me unless it's a commercial product or whatnot (and then it's likely fine as well--I just want my cut). Find out first though. Write me at wredfright ATATAT yahoo DOTT com.
When the wise choose not to lead, then it's left to the fools, and the fools love to play, but their toys are deadly tools.
And so they play their games, and they have so much fun, pulling the pin on a grenade and pulling the trigger on a gun.
Bomb the bombs
So they pile up the bombs, and they say they will never be used, but as they stack them higher, they must be confused.
Because if you listen closely, you can hear the ticking of a clock, and it's getting ever closer to its final tock.
And the bombs will explode, and the genie will be out of the bottle, and it's not going back in, no matter how we try to throttle.
And neither will the flames or the fallout radiation, nuclear winter across the entire nation.
Bomb the bombs before they bomb us all.
Bomb the bombs or the bombs will fall.
And so before this all comes to pass, you and I should get off our respective ass.
And make sure the fools never have the power to bring us all closer to the doomsday hour.
Written April 2019
Recorded April 2019
“So where’s Bob?”
I wanted to get to the diner before The Fixture, but time was running short
so I skipped showering, grabbed The New Yorker and a pen, got into my car,
and ...
17 hours ago
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