"Hey, boss! The food stores from last year are running low, and it's so early in the spring that nothing's ready to eat yet, plus our hunters are too weak from hunger to catch anything."
"Shit! Those people eat way too much! They're going to riot when they find out the food's running out, and then when they figure out that we saved the best stuff for ourselves and still have some, they are going to kill us and take it."
"What should we do?"
"Leave me alone. Go tell those lazy hunters that they have to fish or God will be mad or something. See what you can catch. That should buy us some time for me to think of something."
"If only people would just skip a meal or two occasionally, eh, boss?"
"Hmm . . ."
19 June 2016
“So where’s Bob?”
I wanted to get to the diner before The Fixture, but time was running short
so I skipped showering, grabbed The New Yorker and a pen, got into my car,
and ...
18 hours ago
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