I’m having so much fun these days,
but I know the news can turn grim, so I want to show you that no
matter how bad it can get, you can still have a stunning home. That
should ease some of your minds. With the wonderful products from my
growing collections, even a fallout shelter can be pretty. I will
demonstrate how each one works, and how it can make your day-to-day
lives easier even when it is time to duck and cover from an impending
nuclear attack.
This week, I spent an entire day in an
undisclosed friend's private fallout shelter. I can't tell you whom
he is, but you do see him on tv a lot these days, which reminds me
that I will showcasing my new nuclear war collection on QVC this
Wednesday. Our series of segments begins at two minutes to midnight
and continues throughout the day, just like a missile barrage, until
my last appearance at 11pm ET. or the American communications system
is disrupted by an electromagnetic pulse. I can tell you if that
happens, then I plan on being well-stocked up with my latest book,
“Martha’s Flowers, A Practical Guide to Growing, Gathering and
Enjoying”, so I, the hosts, crew, and studio audience won't be
bored and will be ready to go when nuclear winter turns to nuclear
spring. I can't wait to see what the radioactivity does to mutate my
garden! I also plan on sharing more items from my apparel
line--gasmasks, long sleeved shirts to guard against fallout on the
skin, and my cheeky glow-in-the-dark t-shirts with inspirational
slogans such as "Make America Glow Again!" on them. I am
perhaps most proud of the stylish sneakers that anchor the line.
With these on, you will easily be able to sprint to the nearest
building and take shelter inside to wait out the fallout.
And that's a great place to start, with
my Martha Stewart Fallout Shelter doors. I love them! An attractive
yellow and black design modeled on the iconic Department of Defense
fallout shelter, these inch thick doors should guard not only against
the initial shock wave of the detonation, but also efforts by
desperate neighbors to pry their way inside. They won't be able to
hear you through the doors, but if they could, you could tell them
the coupon code for a 10% discount on MarthaStewart.Com, so they will
be better prepared the next time the bomb brings the neighborhood
Meanwhile, inside the shelter, you will
be having a delightful time, with my Martha Stewart Emergency
Generator, because you won't be able to count on the electrical grid
and other utilities not being disrupted by the intense firestorms
that will break out after the initial bomb blast. My solar panels
will soak up any sunlight that gets through the atmosphere of dirt,
ash, and dust created by the explosion and subsequent fires. And,
when it is safe to go back outside, you can clean your house with my
Martha Stewart Pressure Washer. An intense jet, paired with the
detergent used in the on-board tank, blasts away grime to help
preserve all that you want to clean. You'll feel as if you are
nuking the dirt away yourself!
Of course, before that, you'll be
inside for a long time waiting out the fallout, and you will
inevitably get the munchies after the initial adrenaline-filled
terror subsides, so I have brought out my new canned food line.
Based on the military's MRES, which stands for Meal Ready-To-Eat,
mine are MRS, which stands for Martha's Ready-To-Snack. They are
guaranteed to last at least a decade, so you can stock up ahead of
time in case nuclear winter kills all the vegetation in your garden
and no fresh food is available for years. While you are waiting for
the plants to grow again, assuming you don't perish of radiation
poisoning in the meantime, you can utilize my new book, a wonderful
resource for learning how and when to plant, nurture, and, at the
perfect time, cut from the garden. I also shouldn't forget to
mention the Martha Stewart Electric 2-in-1 Edger and Trencher tools.
Not only does it create a clean line along flower beds, walkways, and
borders, and cut a crisp trench with a three-position depth
adjustment, but you can also use it as a weapon to defend against any
looters, invading armies, or radioactive mutants who might attack you
once you leave the fallout shelter.
And it comes in the same great colors
as all the gardening products in my collection: black, slate, and a
pretty mint color!
I hope you never have to experience a
nuclear attack, but if you do, then these great products from the
Martha Stewart collection will make it more bearable. And, best of
all, I just signed a deal to manufacture and sell these items in
North Korea, so, if my influence grows there, then, someday, even the
missiles bearing the nuclear warheads might be more stylish!
“So where’s Bob?”
I wanted to get to the diner before The Fixture, but time was running short
so I skipped showering, grabbed The New Yorker and a pen, got into my car,
and ...
17 hours ago
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