One of my favorite minor characters in Blog Love Omega Glee is the cranky old man, Bruce Goose, who likes to tell Jake such sage advice as "Never marry a poet." Goose, of course, tries his hand at some poetry of his own and tries to get published in Francine's blog. Well, although Goose is a fictional character, I was delighted to discover that there apparently is a real poet who went by the name of Bruce Goose. There is no connection between the two; I just liked the name for the character, and if I had known that a poet went by that name, I would have chosen another name for the character, which would have been sad because I really like that name.
In any case, the nonfictional Bruce Goose, someone is looking for you. It is Tom Prince. I will let Tom send out the APB for Bruce in his own words from the email he sent me: "He is (was) the son of Kenneth Fearing. If he lives (surprisingly), are you able to contact him? I am doing a documentary about Read Sky Poetry Theatre and Bruce would be interested to know that. If he can't recall me, mention the Five 0 Tavern and the Cause Celebre Cafe."
So Bruce if you're out there, please get in touch with me, and I'll put you in touch with Tom if you can't reach him directly.
“Why do you keep calling?”
From Pathetic Life #10 Monday, March 13, 1995 Often I’m grumpy, but writing
soothes me, so not much of my zine has been written in a genuine bad mood.
I’m ...
15 hours ago
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