I'm waiting for your phone call
The one that will likely never come
I'm waiting for your phone call
The one where you tell me
How you made a horrible mistake
And you just realized it
I'm waiting for your phone call
The one where you tell me
That you want me to take you back
So we can try again
I'm waiting for your phone call
The one that will likely never come
I'm waiting for your phone call
The one where you apologize
For the last phone call
When you dumped me
I'm waiting for your phone call
Because since you left
I don't have much to do
Except let the heartache bleed away
To speed it along
I have been throwing your things away
Which is somewhat therapeutic
I noticed that your toothpaste expired
The same month as we did
How did the company know?
I'd call them up and ask
But I want to leave the line free
I'm waiting for your phone call
The one that will likely never come
But if it ever does I hope that I have the courage to tell you to go fuck yourself and then hang up
24 June 2014
Messy breakfast with dogs
Supposedly I’m trying to lose weight, but fascism in America depresses me,
and nothing lifts my spirits like sugary sweets. The website for Little
Jaye pro...
16 hours ago
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