I've been going through a box of old cassettes and listening to them one last time. Most of them I haven't listened to in a decade or longer, so I figured it was time to stop carrying them around. I shed most of my cassettes about a decade ago, trying to find good homes for them, and that was a hard task, but I succeeded. Despite the cassette making an ironic hipster comeback, even fewer people seem to really want old cassettes today. So some I've passed on, but a number of others have, sadly, ended up in the trash. However, I was too fond of some material on the cassettes to confine it to oblivion.
Such was the case with the Angry Housewives. It was a band that my pal Dave Bell and I had where we beat on pots and pans and whatever was on hand. Later, our pal Damon Mahon joined, and we evolved into the Lenin Spoonful and, ultimately, Yeast? Mainly, the Housewives were a bedroom recording project. I think some of our recordings were even made on my old Sears boombox, though others might have been done on Dave's 4-track. The Housewives definitely fall into the category of music more fun to play than listen to, but some of you out there, the more experimental music minded, might enjoy these tracks. I like them in moderation myself. Below is a track from a cassette called Galgenhumor, which features just Dave and myself. The cassette had no insert, so I have no idea what the titles of the songs were or even if they had titles. When I digitized the tracks, I couldn't always tell when a song ended, so there are probably a few on this MP3. And, since there was no insert for the cassette, I just used the cover of a later cassette for the image. I think we only made two records, so this was the first. The next time you have guests who won't leave, just put some Angry Housewives on. I bet they'll leave soon.
Apocalypto, and a few more movies
Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) Southern gothic insanity and soap opera
extraordinaire. I re-watch this every ten years or so, and it’s always
better tha...
3 hours ago
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