Chapter 23 has the usual minor expansion and fiddling, for the most part. For example, Kings adds a bit to the sentence "He would read as his supper cooked over a small, smokeless campfire, it didn't matter what; words from some battered and coverless paperback novel" making it "He would read as his supper cooked over a small, smokeless campfire, it
didn't matter what; words from some battered and coverless paperback
porno novel, or maybe Mein Kampf, or an R. Crumb comic book, or one of the baying reactionary position papers from the American Firsters or the Sons of the Patriots. When it came to the printed word, Flagg was an equal opportunity reader."
Chapter 24 has more expansion. The scene with Lloyd Henreid and his lawyer is quite longer, and Lloyd finds out that, due to a recent Supreme Court case, he may be executed within the month. One odd thing is that later in the chapter, a prisoner who attacks Lloyd gets a pack of cigarettes, but King changes the brand from Pall Malls to Tareytons. Both brands were seemingly still made in both time periods, so why the switch? Maybe King switched brands himself. I doubt he researched the preferences of prisoners, but it's King, so perhaps he did.
Chapter 25 has two similar expansions, first when Nick Andros rides a bicycle to leave town to find help and then later when Jane Baker dies.
Chapter 26 gets expanded even more, and I will pick up there next.
“So where’s Bob?”
I wanted to get to the diner before The Fixture, but time was running short
so I skipped showering, grabbed The New Yorker and a pen, got into my car,
and ...
17 hours ago
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