an empty dog cage by an assembly line
w/ curtains where dirty water has splashed.
We have a tin pot apolitical dictator.
There are ad posters of stock-image car bumpers.
It is important to shake out the gun cotton.
Watch for the hands and for guns
looking like cell phones and peculiar helicopter
flying. Assassinations are first penciled out.
Mass media says it's 56° and partly cloudy.
A wise old sergeant thought of mind parasites.
What it's like to be down in the weeds.
The host government has failed and spy novels
end up tossed by hazardous waste injection wells.
Some are put in old film canisters.
There has to be more to life.
Mark Sonnenfeld is a prolific poet and publisher of Marymark Press. "Experiment first by kicking" was originally published as part of the 2012 Give-Out Sheet Series. Contact him at 45-08 Old Millstone Drive, East Windsor, NJ 08520 USA.
The view from a different window
From Pathetic Life #10 Thursday, March 9, 1995 I’m usually a little worried
about everything, even when nothing’s happening in my crappy life, but now
6 hours ago
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