I just received a copy of the
Zygote In My Fez book! It looks very nice! My short story "Thank Heavens For Fuckups" (or, for you delicate types, "Thank Heavens" or "T.H.F.F.") is in it, along with a lot of poetry. The reason for all the poetry is that the book came out of an hours-long poetry reading in Toledo, Ohio USA in August 2011. Some fine underground poets and pals are included in the book such as Leopold McGinnis, Michael Grover, Patrick Simonelli, Michele McDannold, Lynn Alexander, and many more. I read at the event, thus my invitation to appear in the book. I'd like to thank the poets for having me, especially since I take up ten whole pages of the book, by far the longest single piece. My story is an old one. I wrote it about ten years ago for my friend Pat King, who published a zine called
Cathedral. Unfortunately,
Cathedral ceased publication before the story's publication, so the story was in limbo for some time. Knowing that zines sometimes reappear, I waited a reasonable amount of time to find another home for it. When I was asked to contribute to the
Zygote book, it came to mind first since it had been waiting patiently in the wings for about a decade. In some ways, the story was my first attempt at the story that would later become the novel
Blog Love Omega Glee, but it works well on its own. I suppose it's not inappropriate for a story with "fuckups" in the title to have a long and strange path to publication, so I'm happy it's finally appeared in print. I haven't read the book myself yet, so I'm looking forward to doing so. The other underground literary anthology books I've appeared in over the years such as
The Bukowski Hangover Project
Punch & Pie: A Short Story Anthology
are fun books, which I enjoyed being a part of. This one's very underground. I don't even know how you exactly get a copy. I do know that it's published by Tainted Coffee Press and costs $10. Maybe email
Brian Fugett of
Zygote In My Coffee and see if he has any copies available.
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