I posted to the Library, "How Can 575 Comic Books Weigh Under An Ounce?: Comic Book Collecting In The Digital Age", a paper I presented at this year's national Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association conference. It takes a look at the collections of comic books that have been appearing on DVD-ROMs such as those GIT have been producing, and the challenges and possibilities electronic comic book collecting present to traditional print-based comic book collectors and readers. You might have noticed that video stores have started to disappear. Will comic book stores be next?
P.S./ I've updated the link above to go to the expanded, revised, and updated version of the paper that has appeared as an article in The Journal Of Electronic Publishing.
Messy breakfast with dogs
Supposedly I’m trying to lose weight, but fascism in America depresses me,
and nothing lifts my spirits like sugary sweets. The website for Little
Jaye pro...
9 hours ago
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